(CPA) Data Analyst - WeWorld
- Job Title Community Protection Approach (CPA) Data Analyst
- Country & Base of posting Gaza Strip, Occupied Palestinian Territory
- Report to WeWorld – GVC Gaza Head of Base
- Project name: Adolescents and Youth (AYs) for GREEN: Gaza Resilient Economy and Environment
- Duration 12 months (3 months’ probation + 9 months), renewable
WeWorld-GVC (WW-GVC) is an Italian independent organization born from the merge between GVC NGO (founded in Bologna in 1971) and WeWorld Foundation (founded in Milan in 1999), with the aim of increasing the impact of their development cooperation and humanitarian aid. Present in 27 countries with 160 projects, reaching over 7 million direct beneficiaries, WW-GVC has been working continuously in Palestine since 1992, acting both in humanitarian aid and development to provide Palestinian communities access to basic services and available natural resources; strengthen their protection and enhancing socio-economic and local development. At present, the main donors are Italy (AICS), the EU (DG ECHO), UNICEF, OCHA, and Belgium (DGD).
Joining the WeWorld-GVC team means being part of the development of a dynamic organisation where the contribution of each staff member is promoted and valued, working together towards the collective achievement of shared goals and vision.
- We World GVC focuses strategically on these main sectors:
- Local Development and Governance
- Integrate Water Resource Management
- LRRD: Linking Relief, Rehabilitation and Development
Integrated Protection
Gender mainstream, special attention to vulnerable categories, community-based approach and good governance are cross-cutting issues included in all We World GVC interventions.
Project Description:
WW-GVC is one of the implementing partners for the project titled " Adolescents and Youth (AYs) for GREEN: Gaza Resilient Economy and Environment’’’, funded by European Commission, which is implemented by Save the Children Italia Onlus (as project lead) with its affiliated entity Save the Children International oPt Country Office (SC), in partnership with the co-applicants WeWorld-GVC (WW-GVC), International Links and Services for local Development Agencies (ILS–LEDA) and Save Youth Future (SYFS).
In this Project, WW-GVC will implement the Community Protection Approach (CPA), which is a community engagement and empowerment instrument to design and monitor Integrated Protection Programs and provide operational tools to facilitate coherence, collaboration, and complementarity between different foreign and national aid instruments in order to find sustainable solutions to a given population’s needs and problems.
Job description:
WeWorld-GVC is recruiting a CPA Data Analyst who will work in coordination with the Project coordinator, CPA Specialist, National Research and Data Analysis Specialist, Gaza Head of Base. He/she will report to Project coordinator.
The Gaza CPA Data Analyst is responsible of the analysis of CPA information to produce relevant products informing programing and advocacy according to mission needs. At the same time, he/she provides support to the Gaza CPA Officer on the technical design, quality and monitoring of any CPA data collection process. In addition, the position has the responsibility of capitalizing on the experience of its works and the needs of the mission to support WW-GVC National Research and Data Analyst on the development of the CPA, assuming that at some stages CPA development and implementation needs would overlap. The position will lie under the line management of the Gaza Head of Base and will be technically managed by WW-GVC National Research and Data Analysis Specialist.
Specific Objectives and Fields of Responsibility
- Support with analysis of information to provide relevant and sound results to stakeholders (30% dedication);
- Support with the implementation and design of the CPA ensuring a rigorous implementation and quality results (40% dedication)
- Capitalize on the experience and limitations identified in the Gaza context and support development and improvements of the CPA, bringing in lessons learnt from the implementation (30% dedication)
Support with analysis of information to provide relevant and sound results to stakeholders
- Design mechanism to ensure quality of CPA data to be analyzed considering any data cleaning/wrangling needed before the process of analysis.
- Participate in the different workshops and meetings related to the types of analysis that can be produced in the Gaza context and specifically of the CPA.
- Conduct relevant data analysis of qualitative and quantitative CPA data to inform programs and advocacy by products designed through discussions with mission Focal points and other partners.
- Triangulate all the information in form of comprehensive reports which inform the context situation (MQ/IPSI), the reasons and explanations (NCP) and the response for change (PRP).
- Communicate with the CPA Platform Information Program Manager to discuss on the integration of the developed analysis in the CPA and from other data sources.
- Support on the design of other data sources analysis by providing strategical thinking, technical advice and conducting, when necessary, advanced analysis beyond descriptive.
Support the National CPA Specialist with the implementation and design of the CPA
- Support GVC Gaza CPA Officer in the design of the implementation of the CPA and its technical follow up.
- Monitor and assess the quality of CPA data collection processes ensuring quality of data collected related to CPA different components (IPSI, NCP and IPA).
- Jointly with Gaza CPA Officer, and under the supervision of the National Research and Data Analysis Specialist and National CPA Specialist, planning and when needed providing the necessary training ensuring field staff is capacitated for data collection and usage of any tool involved in the CPA process.
- Provide technical advice, when required, on designing data collection processes and quality assessments for other data sources.
- Actively participating in the process of contextualization to the CPA global methodology to the Gaza context, following the Standard of Procedures for correctly adapting each of the tools, under the supervision of the National Research and Data Analysis Specialist.
- Actively participate in the design and coordinate the joint implementation of the CPA methodology and RESCO methodology together with the Gaza CPA Officer, under the guidance and supervision of the National Research and Data Analysis Specialist and National CPA Specialist.
- Capitalize on lessons learned on implementation of piloting programs
- Coordinate capacity building activities for internal and external stakeholders regarding data analysis, multi-sectorial assessments, and CPA tools, as required by operational and strategic planning of activities.
Capitalize on the experience and limitations identified and support development and improvements of the CPA
- Contribute to the development and innovation of CPA components and processes under the guidance of the WW-GVC National Research and Data Analysis Specialist.
- Explore the analysis of CPA to produce sound products to inform program and advocacy
- Capitalize on the triangulation of CPA information to generate relevant analysis/products establishing a structured model of these.
- Capitalize and provide feedback to WW-GVC National Research and Data Analysis Specialist on any other matter relevant for the development of the CPA that might have arisen during its implementation.
- Deliver high quality results in line with WeWorld-GVC strategy to do this in a way which maintains the reputation of the organization into all coordination and other working groups.
- Comply with WeWorld-GVC policies and practice with respect to code of conduct, safety, equal opportunities and other relevant policies and procedures.
- Perform any other relevant tasks/missions within reason that might be assigned by the Project coordinator and/or the National CPA Specialist.
Essential Requirements:
Qualifications and Knowledge
- University degree in Economics, Statistics, Information Science or similar subject
- Good knowledge of statistics and experience using statistical packages (Excel, SPSS...)
- Knowledge and experience with statistical programming (preferably R)
- Knowledge and experience with data visualization (preferably PowerBI)
- Technical expertise regarding design development and segmentation techniques
- Knowledge of the Palestinian context and proven experience and competence in local economic development, community empowerment or social business development.
- Fluency in written and spoken English and Arabic
Professional Experience
- At least 2 years of previous experience in the humanitarian sector and community mobilization.
Skills and Abilities
- Good communication skills.
- Flexible and with the ability to adjust to changes and new requirements.
- Willingness to learn.
- Understanding of and commitment to humanitarian principles and values.
- Highly organized and able to prioritize and cover urgent requirements.
- Passionate in the job flexibility and commitment to meet deadlines.
- Ability to work in team with respect and impartiality.
- Strong commitment to the Mission of We World GVC, genuine interest for international cooperation development topics.
- Integrity with regards to NGO values and ethical standards.
- Cultural, gender, religion, nationality, and age sensitivity and adaptability.
Desirable Requirements:
- Previous experience in community empowerment and/or participatory approaches will be strongly preferred.
- Previous work experience with international NGOs is an asset.
- Previous experience in development and economic resilience projects is an asset.
How to Apply:
Interested candidates should send their CV along with a cover letter, both in English and Position in the email subject, to
no later than 6th March 2021