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Project Coordinator - WeWorld

الصفحة الرئيسية

Project Coordinator - WeWorld

  • Job Title Project Coordinator (Local Development Specialist)
  • Country & Base of posting Gaza Strip, Occupied Palestinian Territory 
  • Report to WeWorld – GVC Gaza Head of Base
  • Project name: Adolescents and Youth (AYs) for GREEN: Gaza Resilient Economy and Environment
  • Duration 12 months (3 months’ probation + 9 months), renewable

WeWorld-GVC (WW-GVC) is an Italian independent organization born from the merge between GVC NGO (founded in Bologna in 1971) and WeWorld Foundation (founded in Milan in 1999), with the aim of increasing the impact of their development cooperation and humanitarian aid. Present in 27 countries with 160 projects, reaching over 7 million direct beneficiaries, WW-GVC has been working continuously in Palestine since 1992, acting both in humanitarian aid and development to provide Palestinian communities access to basic services and available natural resources; strengthen their protection and enhancing socio-economic and local development. At present, the main donors are Italy (AICS), the EU (DG ECHO), UNICEF, OCHA, and Belgium (DGD).

Joining the WeWorld-GVC team means being part of the development of a dynamic organization where the contribution of each staff member is promoted and valued, working together towards the collective achievement of shared goals and vision. 

  • We World GVC focuses strategically on these main sectors:
    • Local Development and Governance
    • Integrate Water Resource Management
    • LRRD: Linking Relief, Rehabilitation and Development

Integrated Protection

Gender mainstream, special attention to vulnerable categories, community-based approach and good governance are cross-cutting issues included in all We World GVC interventions.

Project Description:

WW-GVC is one of the implementing partners for the project titled " Adolescents and Youth (AYs) for GREEN: Gaza Resilient Economy and Environment’’’, funded by European Commission, which is implemented by Save the Children Italia Onlus (as project lead) with its affiliated entity Save the Children International oPt Country Office (SC), in partnership with the co-applicants WeWorld-GVC (WW-GVC), International Links and Services for local Development Agencies (ILS–LEDA) and Save Youth Future (SYFS).

In this project, WW-GVC will implement the Community Protection Approach (CPA), which is a community engagement and empowerment instrument to design and monitor Integrated Protection Programs and provide operational tools to facilitate coherence, collaboration, and complementarity between different foreign and national aid instruments in order to find sustainable solutions to a given population’s needs and problems.

Job description:

WeWorld-GVC is recruiting a Project Coordinator (Local Development Specialist) who will be responsible overall successful project management including efficient, effective and timely planning and completion of activities, achievement of outputs and outcomes within the constraints of scope, time, budget and risk through while applying the WW-GVC and donors' requirements and guidelines. 

He/she will lead the project team, including CPA officer, Gaza Data Analyst, and Social Workers and will work closely with CPA Specialist, National Research and Data Analysis Specialist. He/she will report to Gaza Head of Base and will be accountable to Gaza Head of Base – technical accountability under National CPA Specialist

Tasks and Responsibilities

He/she will be responsible for:

  1. Develop, supervise and coordinate a yearly work plan, as well as detailed monthly activity plan.
  2. Manage and direct the project implementation by the project team and ensure timely delivery of project activities in coordination with WW-GVC technical team and supporting staff, and give expertise and guidance 
  3. Implement monitoring system and manage the project risks/ issues throughout the project life cycle and guarantee successful and timely completion.
  4. Track the progress of activities and achievements of program indicators.
  5. Monitor and control the projects expenditure within agreed authority thresholds.
  6. Ensure providing high quality results-based reports according to WeWorld-GVC, donor and other applicable timeframes and requirements
  7. Identifying networking opportunities and build good work relations, synergies and partnerships with key stakeholders and actors.
  8. Maintain regular and proactive coordination with Head of Base, and other related managing staff in Gaza to ensure alignment of implementation and results.
  9. Networking and Representation: Represent WW-GVC at related forums, clusters, I/NGOs, working groups and key stakeholders, and maintain appropriate, regular, transparent and supportive communication structures with all relevant stakeholders (including but not limited to project staff, line Coordinator, partners, beneficiaries, local and international consultants, thematic experts, community committees, local and national government officials, UN agencies and other NGOs), with the objective of ensuring good cooperation and partnerships.


  1. Deliver high quality results in line with WeWorld-GVC strategy to do this in a way which maintains the reputation of the organization into all coordination and other working groups.
  2. Comply with WeWorld-GVC policies and practice with respect to code of conduct, safety, equal opportunities and other relevant policies and procedures.
  3. Perform any other relevant tasks/missions within reason that might be assigned by the Line Coordinator.

Qualifications and skills

  1. University degree in relevant specialization like management, sustainable development, social science, environment, or similar subject
  2. Previous experience in community empowerment and/or participatory approaches.
  3. High competency in project management, including the ability to apply the right project tools and techniques (management science).
  4. High interpersonal skills (management art) including but not limited to team building, communications, problem solving, facilitation, etc.
  5. Fluency in written and spoken English and Arabic
  6. Valid and clean driving license
  7. Good knowledge in computer applications, including MS office pack in particular Word and Excel 

Professional Experience

  1. Minimum 5 years of experience in project management, preferably with INGOs with solid background about local humanitarian and developmental context in Palestine in general and Gaza Strip in particular.

Skills and Abilities

  1. Good communication skills (with local authorities and communities).
  2. Flexible and with the ability to adjust to changes and new requirements.
  3. Willingness to learn and to travel.
  4. Understanding of and commitment to humanitarian principles and values.
  5. Highly organized and able to prioritize and cover urgent requirements.
  6. Passionate in the job flexibility and commitment to meet deadlines.
  7. Ability to work in team with respect and impartiality.
  8. Strong commitment to the Mission of We World GVC, genuine interest for international cooperation development topics.
  9. Integrity with regards to NGO values and ethical standards.
  10. Cultural, gender, religion, nationality, and age sensitivity and adaptability.

Desirable Requirements:

  1. Previous work experience with international NGOs is an asset.
  2. Previous experience in development and economic resilience projects is an asset

How to Apply:

Interested candidates should send their CV along with a cover letter, both in English and Position in the email subject, to


 no later than 6th March 2021
