Water Engineer - WeWorld
- Job Title Water Engineer
- Country & Base of posting Gaza. occupied Palestinian territory, WW-GVC office, and Khan Younis municipality
- Report to WeWorld – GVC Gaza Head of Base
- Project name: Gaza H2.0: Innovation and water efficiency’
- Duration 12 months (3 months’ probation + 9 months), renewable
WeWorld-GVC (WW-GVC) is an Italian independent organization born from the merge between GVC NGO (founded in Bologna in 1971) and WeWorld Foundation (founded in Milan in 1999), with the aim of increasing the impact of their development cooperation and humanitarian aid. Present in 27 countries with 160 projects, reaching over 7 million direct beneficiaries, WW-GVC has been working continuously in Palestine since 1992, acting both in humanitarian aid and development to provide Palestinian communities access to basic services and available natural resources; strengthen their protection and enhancing socio-economic and local development. At present, the main donors are Italy (AICS), the EU (DG ECHO), UNICEF, OCHA, and Belgium (DGD).
Joining the WeWorld-GVC team means being part of the development of a dynamic organization where the contribution of each staff member is promoted and valued, working together towards the collective achievement of shared goals and vision.
- We World GVC focuses strategically on these main sectors:
- Local Development and Governance
- Integrate Water Resource Management
- LRRD: Linking Relief, Rehabilitation and Development
Integrated Protection
Gender mainstream, special attention to vulnerable categories, community-based approach and good governance are cross-cutting issues included in all We World GVC interventions.
Project Description:
WW-GVC is implementing a project title "Gaza H2.0: Innovation and water efficiency’’, funded by European Commission-EuropeAid/163941/DH/ACT/Multi, with the partnership of Technische Universität Berlin (TUB) and Palestinian Hydrology Group (PHG).
Job description:
WW-GVC is seeking to recruit a qualified “Water Engineer” to assure the high-quality standards of all the technical components of WW-GVC implemented action; to provide proper implementation of all infrastructural components.
Tasks and Responsibilities
- Coordinate and facilitate the implementation of efficiency assessment and mapping of domestic water supply system for Khan Younis city and ensure completeness of outputs in terms of engineering design, tender documents (BoQ, cost estimation etc.).
- Provide technical support to the project partners including WW-GVC, PHG, and TUB.
- Work closely with the Khan Younis Municipality (KYM) water department and provide the necessary support and capacity building, and ensure smooth implementation of the project components, and network monitoring.
- Supervise the process of analysis and design of the water distribution system (WDS) and District Metering areas (DMAs) by local and international consultants and experts, and ensure completeness of their products in terms of engineering design and tender documents (BoQ, etc.), evaluation of losses of domestic water networks.
- Supervise the implementation of the upgrading of the water network by local contractor, including:
- Activities cost control, forecasting, quantity survey and keep update with market prices and fluctuation.
- Preparing and approving payments for suppliers, contractors and beneficiaries.
- Reporting and bookkeeping for all correspondences and related documents.
- Filling registers and forms according to the project procedures and guidelines.
- Deliver high quality results in line with WeWorld-GVC strategy to do this in a way which maintains the reputation of the organization into all coordination and other working groups.
- Comply with WeWorld-GVC policies and practice with respect to code of conduct, safety, equal opportunities and other relevant policies and procedures.
- Perform any other relevant tasks/missions within reason that might be assigned by the Project coordinator and/or the National CPA Specialist.
Qualifications and skills
Qualifications and Knowledge
- Minimum 5 years practical experience in design supervision of water distribution systems and infrastructure projects
- Degree in civil, hydraulic or water engineering or equivalent.
- Experience in computer applications, including MS office pack, as well as water engineering applications (GIS, AutoCAD, etc.)
- Familiar with water network monitoring technologies.
- Good command of written and spoken English.
- Valid driving license, with clear history.
Personal and inter-personal skills
- Good communication skills.
- Flexible and with the ability to adjust to changes and new requirements.
- Willingness to learn.
- Highly organized and able to prioritize and cover urgent requirements.
- Passionate in the job flexibility and commitment to meet deadlines.
- Ability to work in team with respect and impartiality.
- Strong commitment to the Mission of We World GVC, genuine interest for international cooperation development topics.
- Integrity with regards to NGO values and ethical standards.
- Cultural, gender, religion, nationality, and age sensitivity and adaptability.
How to Apply:
Interested candidates should send their CV along with a cover letter, both in English and Position in the email subject, to
no later than 6th March 2021