Green Corner Facilitator - MA’AN
- Green Corner Facilitator Vacancy Announcement
- Position Title: Green Corner Facilitator
- Location: Gaza Strip
- Report to: Manager of MAAN Hub for Innovation and Entrepreneurship
- Duration: 13 months.
MA’AN is an independent Palestinian development and training institution established in January 1989, registered by law as a non-profit organization. The main office is located in Ramallah and the other branch offices are located in Gaza and Jenin. MA’AN's work is informed by the necessity of creating independent, self-reliant initiatives that lead to the development of human resources for sustainable development, which incorporates values of self-sufficiency and self-empowerment.
Following valued support from the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) through the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) within Strengthening the Resilience of Gaza’s Population Project, MAAN has been implementing a project entitled “Resilience Project of the Beach Camp” that includes the establishment of a green corner in an existing Sports Youth Center in the beach camp. The green corner is expected to provide training, coaching, ideation, follow-up, and incubation services for female and male youth refugees in the Beach Camp area, targeting green entrepreneurship practices to find and commercialize solutions for solid waste processing and recycling.
Under this concept, MA’AN Development Center is seeking a competent and highly qualified Green Corner Facilitator. This position will be the focal point in facilitating, following up, and ensuring timely delivery of activities and support of the Green Corner Project to the targeted beneficiaries.
The main duties include:
- Responsible for following up and ensuring successful facilitation of the Green Corner activities as per planned,
- Responsible for the facilitation of project interventions, including its requisitions, procurement, follow-up, and other forms of action,
- Follow up the project’s day-to-day activities,
- Facilitate project meetings and maintaining crucial project documents,
- Facilitate project communications, and other project related activities as required.
Job Qualifications:
- Relevant BA degree, with at least three years of the field in administrative work with national or international NGO,
- Strong communication skills (Arabic and English)- spoken and written, and strong reporting skills,
- Good knowledge on economic empowerment and entrepreneurship,
- Good understanding of the Beach refugee camp area needs and challenges,
- Strong time management skills and ability to work under pressure and meet deadlines.
How to Apply:
Interested candidates are encouraged to submit an application as per the following:
Download employment application from the following link: MAAN Employment Application
Fill in the employment application and save the document with the name of applicant and the position.
Fill in the required information in the following link:
Attach employment application in within the previous link.
Applications will not be considered if employment application is not attached in the previous link.
Applications will only be accepted until Monday 31 January 2022.