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Senior Finance Officer - NECC

الصفحة الرئيسية

 مطلوب مدّربة لغة إنجليزية - جمعية اتحاد الكنائس

Senior Finance Officer - NECC

NECC announces the position of Senior Finance Officer 

to work in the Head Office in Gaza 

  • Job Title:  Senior Finance Officer
  • Place of work:  Head Office – Al Rimal – Gaza
  • Contract duration:  12 months, extendable

Near East Council of churches Committee for Refugees Work (NECCCRW)-the Gaza Area Committee is part of the Department of Service to the Palestine Refugees (DSPR). The DSPR is a department of the Middle East Council of Churches. NECCCRW Gaza is an integral part of the Palestinian Society and culture and operates with support from the churches, ecumenical and secular organizations. NECCCRW Gaza Committee was founded in 1952 launching a humanitarian program to assist Palestinians who took refuge in the Gaza Strip following the establishment of Israel in 1948. NECCCRW has focused then on the provision of humanitarian aid and contributing to an overall improvement in living conditions and to poverty alleviation. 

Its work has rested on respecting the humanity and dignity of those whom it helps and on adherence to clear transparency and accountability standards. NECC supports the Palestinian people through six key areas: Health  (Maternal and Child Primary Health Care), Technical Vocational Education and training  (Empowering Youth Economic Status), Educational Loans for university students, Psychosocial Support for children, mothers, and students to cope with the negative impact of Gaza Violence, Emergency Relief projects including cash Relief and Job Creation initiatives, Advocacy policies and activities shared with the community, and community Development program

General Objective

Manage accountancy by effectively using BISAN software program based on NECC standards, Government Regulation and Donor Policies; carry out financial and accounting tasks in a correct manner to regularly produce reliable and transparent information on a timely manner.

Tasks and responsibilities:

  • Team management and external communication

  1. Direct supervision of the accountant, the secretariat of the accounting department and petty cash Officer.
  2. Overseeing and managing daily accounts on the Bisan accounting program including recording transactions in a timely manner, while ensuring recording and entering the correct codes for (project codes, center codes, and other cost centers) and implementing accounting regulations and ensuring that all employees adhere to work procedures and internal control.
  3. Communicating with the Procurement Department to follow up on the completion of tenders, quotations, envelope opening committees, and to decide on bids and purchase requests and orders and ensure all are done according to budgets and signed contracts
  4. Coaching, mentoring and training the Procurement Department on the Bisan program for procurement
  5. Reviewing and approving the procurement plans before submit to the donors.
  6. Participate in the opening session of bids and quotations / bid evaluations with other departments.
  7. Direct Communication and leading the Projects Department to follow up on contracts, budgets and proposals for new projects for the donors and periodic follow up on projects implementation plans.
  8. Direct Communication with the Human Resources Department to following up on employee contracts, timesheet and attendance sheet, in addition to all other details that include any monthly update such as the absence of project employees each month, annual increment, additional allowances and other deductions.
  9. Day to day directing communication with all donors regarding budgets, financial reports, and required notes, and taking approvals for disbursement and Amending budgets, if any, and responding to them on time.
  10. Leading the communication with the external auditors and auditors of the Ministry of Interior and in consultation with the association's internal auditor and the Executive Director, to make all records and financial transactions required for them available for the purpose of auditing, in addition to the audit of some projects that required by donors.
  11. Ensuring that all department of NECC are complied with MOI, Local laws, Donor's regulations and following up any update for those regulations then informing and coaching the staff member of NECC on the updated regulations.
  12. Assisting the administration in following up on filling out the annual questionnaire of the Ministry of Interior regarding the finance Department.
  13. Establishing and maintaining good banking relationships by communicate directly with the bank for any issues related to the NECC bank accounts by an official letter signed by the authorized signatories, in addition to follow up on updating bank account data
  14. Ensuring the compliance with internal guidelines related to the risks of theft, armed robbery, corruption, embezzlement, errors and losses.
  15. Translating accounting documents, printing relevant messages and sending them to donors and others upon requested.
  16. Answering incoming phone calls and messages, giving information to callers (employees, banks and financiers), welcoming donors and visitors of the NECC.
  17. Communicating with companies related to the accounting programs (Bisan and Al-Aseel), the payroll program, the loan program, and the fixed assets monitoring program to make updates and fix errors, if any.
  18. The first point of contact for internal queries, to facilitate the provision of efficient and effective resolution of daily issues.

  • Financial Management and Accounting

  1. Supervising, managing and responsible of daily accounting and financial tasks including timely recording of transactions, expenses, income, remittances, cash management, bank reconciliations, payroll, fixed assets, inventory, accounts receivables and accounts payables.
  2. Following-up and approving of the recording the educational loans repayments transactions and ensuring cash payment and bank discounts for guarantors, and matching educational loans accounts reconciliation with the bank on a monthly basis.
  3. Reviewing the NECC’s bank statements on a daily basis to track expenses, deposits, Donor’s transfers and matching them with revenues and expenses at the end of each month.
  4. Preparing the manual receipt vouchers for donor’s transfers according to the amount re receipts in the bank statements.
  5. Recommending the price of the local currency to agree on the rate at which it will be used during the month by preparing and sending the bank transfer between currencies to the bank.
  6. Reviewing and approving of the monthly bank reconciliation and monthly local revenue reconciliation and ensuring that they are properly recorded and matched and then giving the approval.
  7. Reviewing and approving the daily receipts voucher and deposits for local revenue in addition to the payment vouchers (checks and transfers) and ensure that they are related to NECC’s activities and according to the signed budget if it related to a specific project and ensuring that are done within the policies, instructions, internal regulations and laws of the Ministry of Interior and comply with the Donor’s regulations then giving the approval.
  8. Reviewing and approving the reimbursement of the advances of petty cash of the NECC's VTC centers and clinics, in addition to the monthly schedule transportation allowances for NECC employees.
  9. Following-up and reviewing of the settlements for the Department of Educational Loans, Social workers and VTC centers.
  10. Following up of the interim accounts (the central office account), accounts payable, accounts receivables, expenses and revenues on a daily basis.
  11. Ensuring that all the accounting transaction are properly recorded by the accountant into Bisan program and according to the supporting documents.
  12. Responsible of the monthly and annually accounting closure on a timely basis.
  13. Preparing accurate calculation sheets and settlements for the prepaid rents, other advance payments and End of services provision for employees on a timely manner to ensure that our disclosure is accurate and according to the audited financial statement.
  14. Tracing the annual confirmations for donors, banks, Lawyers, accounts payables and accounts receivables and ensure that matching with the recorded transactions and delivering them to the auditor on time.
  15. Responsible of Calculating the depreciation expenses of NECC assets at the end of the year and matching it with the Assets Control Program and the Bisan accounting Program.
  16. Planning and implementing financial operations systems in accordance with the NECC’s financial guide, the laws of the Ministry of Interior and donors' regulations.

  • Budgets and Financial Reports

  1. Preparing Donors' budgets according to project proposals and within our accurate expectation for the expenses during the period for all activities and verifying their accuracy.
  2. Preparing the Payment Requests forms for the Donors according to the remittances in the signed contracts on time.
  3. Creating a new budget account on Bisan accounting program based on the signed contracts and budget for all donors’ projects and following-up oversight of the spending activities of the NECC and donors’ budgets.
  4. Preparing monthly, quarterly, semi-annual and annual financial reports for all projects donors as required in the signed contract and according to the donor’s financial report form for each donor and sending it on time.
  5. Preparing the annual NECC general budget, Revenue forecast report, Statement of the financial position, and statement of activities.
  6. Ensuring the issuance of monthly, quarterly, semi-annual and annual NECC financial reports and any other reports requested at any time to be shared with the Executive Director of the NECC and review by the internal auditor in the central office in Jerusalem, including the cost centers and summary of project reports.
  7. Preparing all requested data, sample and documents for the audit purposes and assisting in coordinating the preparation of audited financial statements and reports and working to explain them in a detailed manner by preparing analysis to the NECC management.
  8. Undertake research and perform basic analyses of data, to contribute to the provision of accurate information and effective management of resources.
  9. Keeping abreast of donor policies, procedures, rules and regulations constantly, complying and updating the applicable local policies and training the NECC's staff on these policies to ensure that all NECCs department are comply with those policies.

  • HR and Salaries

  1. Receiving the monthly changes on employee salaries such as vacations, bonuses, discounts, additions and currency exchange rates from the HR department then Reviewing, ensuring and recording those changes into the payroll program before preparing the transfers for NECC salaries.
  2. Preparing the monthly analysis report for employee salaries on payroll program and ensuring that the data is entered correctly.
  3. Preparing and reviewing the monthly payroll and monitoring the payment of provident fund and end-of-service salaries and allowances to the NECC employees, in addition to ensuring a timely payment of income tax and employee insurance.
  4. Preparing and sending payroll statements for NECC employees (Excel file-bank form) to banks on time.
  5. Preparing and sending income tax Schedule (Excel-Income Tax form) to the Income Tax Department on time and ensuring full compliance with the requirements of the local tax law.
  6. Monthly printing of all NECC employees detailed salary forms and handing them over to the assistant executive director.
  7. Recording the salary transactions on the Bisan accounting program then reallocating and charging the gross salaries to the projects according to the signed budgets and agreements with the donors on time by preparing a monthly summary analysis sheet for all salaries transactions for all projects to ensure and control that there is no over allocated amount for any employees.
  8. Reviewing and approving of the payment vouchers for part time employees and temporary contracts at the end of the month based on the attendance sheet signed by the authorized persons and the signed contract.
  9. Following up, reviewing and approving the statements required from the donors regarding the attendance sheet, time sheet that including the absence of employees and their work tasks during the month and Received Voucher.
  10. Preparing a periodic matching of the Employees Provident Fund and distribute the gain from bank deposit for provident fund and recording these transactions into the payroll Program and Bisan Program.
  11. Preparing and reviewing employee clearances due to the end of their services, which include end of service, provident fund, and any other discounts and allowances.
  12. Providing information of employee’s details to the NECC management regarding employee’s loans and others.

  • Internal/external control systems/Archiving

  1. Following up and reviewing on the accounting department secretariat in keeping records and files of cash payments, bank reconciliations and all other financial documents as required (hard copies and soft copies) on a timely manner.
  2. Following up and reviewing a weekly update of the backup/soft copies of all files in the finance, HR, procurement and project department on an external hard drive then send it to the bank on a weekly basis and deposit it in the NECC safety box.
  3. Receiving check books from the bank, then recording them in the check book register, depositing them into NECC treasury, handing over the checks to the accountant as needed.
  4. Receiving the books of manual receipt and manual payment vouchers from the printing company and handing over the books to the secretariat of the accounting department according to the need and their sequence, and making sure that the books of the receipt vouchers are stamped by the Ministry of Interior.
  5. Receiving the books of Sub-manual receipt vouchers from the printing company and handing over the books to the secretariat of the accounting department according to the need and their sequence, and making sure that stamped by NECC finance department before sending them to the NECC clinics and VTC centers.
  6. Keeping and monitoring the custody (Stamps, treasury keys, Check books, payments voucher books and received voucher books) of the financial department of NECC and daily handing over of them to the accountant in the morning and receiving them at the end of work.
  7. Following up and controlling the books record for receipt and delivery of the NECC financial files to the donors and auditors.
  8. Following up and controlling the books record for the receipt of invoices in the Finance Department.
  9. Tracing, controlling and following up on the manual cash books for the NECC's local revenues from the VTC centers and clinics, and reconcile them at the end of the month with the clinics and VTC program.
  10. Ensure compliance with the NECC financial policies and procedures, including procedures for electronic data storage, backup and security.

Profile Requirement:

  1. Minimum Bachelor’s degree of Science in Accountancy "In English".
  2. Minimum 5-years’ experience in finance or accounting in NGOs, INGOs or Audit firms. 
  3. The candidate age not exceed 40 years.
  4. The candidate should be work in a full-time and able to work after official working hours as needed.
  5. Excellent knowledge of Admin procedures, accounting, finance and procurement.
  6. Knowledge of donor’s guidelines (EU, UNICEF, and other donors).
  7. Excellent Knowledge of Budget Follow Up.
  8. Excellent Knowledge of preparing financial reports.
  9. Experience in working with BISAN accountancy software is an advantage.
  10. Fast learner and ability to work under pressure.
  11. Fluent spoken and written English and Arabic.
  12. Computer skills in MS-Office (Word, PowerPoint and internet, command Excel)
How to Apply:

Only short/listed candidates will be contacted.  Applicants must show their willingness by sending the cover letter and updated CVs to necc@neccgaza.org, the deadline for the applications is 22 September 2022 at 11:00 pm.

Note:  Please send the email with a subject of (Senior Finance Officer- Name of Candidate).

