Staff Nurse - Holy Family Hospital "Bethlehem "

الصفحة الرئيسية

Staff Nurse - Holy Family Hospital "Bethlehem "

The Holy Family Hospital is seeking Staff Nurse to work in the Neonatal ICU and Normal Nursery Departments.

The Staff Nurse must  be aware of the internal hospital rules and guidelines besides a clear understanding of the Holy Family Hospital’s mission and vision aspects. To integrate in the process of providing the maximum standard of care towards patients and their belongings.


  1. Good command of English language.
  2. Excellent use of computer software and computer skills is a must.
  3. Able to work as a part of a team Under the supervision of the Nursing Coordinator.
  4. Able to work on Shifts System and Emergency system.
  5. Excellent Communication skills.
  6. Ability to quickly learn and utilize a variety of software and system.


  1. Bachelor Degree in Nursing is required.
  2. Holds a license to practice the profession from the Nursing union and from the Palestinian Ministry of Health.
  3. Priority for applicant’s form Bethlehem District.

How to Apply:

Interested candidates are to fill a special application form that may be obtained from the reception office at Holy Family Hospital on daily basis from 8:00 am to 03:00pm.

Applications must be submitted to the HR Office during the official working hours’ maximum by Friday 3, Feb 2023.