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Emergency Medical Doctor - MDM France " Nablus "

الصفحة الرئيسية

 Emergency Medical Doctor - MDM France " Nablus "

Médecins du Monde (MdM) France is an International Medical Non-Governmental Organization, which has been present in the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt) since 1995. It operates in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank through offices located in Jerusalem, Gaza, Ramallah/Birzeit and Nablus.
MdM is currently looking for qualified candidates to fill the position of:
Emergency Medical Doctor, Nablus Base (1 Position)
Starting date:  March the 15th 2023
Type:  Full Time Contract
Duration:5 months with availability to be extended based on Fund availability


To support the implementation and follow-up of MdM emergency project in the Northwest Bank with the Village Councils (VCs) and Ministry of Health (MoH) Primary Health Care Centers (PHCCs) which aim to strengthen preparedness, response, and resilience.                       

Specific Objectives: 

  1. To develop and implement emergency and quality care training/supervision for Community First Responders (CFRs) and for PHCCs staff and follow up with the VCs and MoH staff
  2. To lead in the development of the Contingency Plan (CP) for targeted communities, in collaboration with the VCs and PHCCs
  3. To contribute to implementing medical emergencies interventions
  4. To support processes of assessments, preparation, planning, and follow-up of project activities in the targeted area of intervention
  5. Reporting and follow-up on project activities
  6. Contribute to the development of MdM Emergency preparedness and Response Plan (EPREP) in cooperation with MdM technical and coordination teams.

Tasks and Responsibilities:

Main responsibilities and activities of the Emergency Medical Doctor can change according to the organization of the work and to the composition of the team.


Trainings and Field visits
  1. Responsible for scheduling, developing training tools, and providing emergency training for CFRs and PHCC staff (Doctors and Nurses) in the targeted PHCCs.
  2. Responsible for scheduling, developing training tools, and providing the on-the-job/supervision training for the people who benefitted from the training.
Technical/ operational organization
  1. Ensure technical meetings with partners are regularly conducted regarding project activities (e.g. trainings, simulations, and workshops), under the supervision of the Medical Manager
  2. In close collaboration with partners, e.g VCs, ensure proper identification of CFRs, with representation from relevant groups (women, youth, leaders)
  3. Ensure functionality of CFRs, in close collaboration with VCs, and devise strategies to mobilize CFRs into an organized body that can be sustainable beyond the end of the project.
  4. To lead the preparation and implementation of CPs in the communities and the PHCCs, ensuring meaningful participation of relevant stakeholders (VCs, MoH, relevant members of the communities) in collaboration with the Medical Manager
  5. Organize simulations and drills to operationalize contingency plans
  6. Lead the community awareness activities within targeted areas, ensuring that awareness topics are relevant to the needs of the communities and are in line with MdM priority topics and develop IEC materials to support community awareness activities
  7. Contribute to assessing and improving the referral systems for medical emergencies and support health staff in referring cases in need of adequate services.
  8. Under the supervision of the Medical Manager and in collaboration with the Logistics Department, assess the needs of the PHCCs in terms of supplies and rehabilitation.
  9. Contribute to the development of MdM EPREP
Follow and monitor the Emergency Preparedness (EPP) activities
  1. To conduct field visits to the targeted PHCCs and the communities following the objectives of the program and ensure that the trainees complete satisfactorily their training course, through an assessment of trainees’ attendance and their performance.
  2. To participate in the data collection needed for assessments, data analysis, and writing reports.
  3. To collaborate and participate in any field surveys, data collection, and/or needs assessment.
  4. To help in the advocacy about availability of staff, the impact of drugs and disposables shortage at PHCCs and/or hospitals
Reporting, follow up and monitoring:
  1. Provide program operational reports based on the request of the supervisor.
  2. Provide monthly reports of activities not later than the 4th of the following month.
  3. Contribute to the emergency data analysis in collaboration with the Medical Manager.
  4. Collaborate and participate in data collection and analysis on any data needed and requested by the Medical Manager for the development of the activities in close cooperation with the MEAL officer.
  5. Immediately report emergency needs at the community level.
  6. Immediately report HR misconduct to the Medical Manager, also to the Medical Coordinator, Field Coordinator and Admin Manager.
  7. Provide any other requested report when needed.
  1. Maintain good socio-professional relationships with national and international partners.
  2. Attend team meetings and to give qualitative input.
  3. If necessary, prepare emergency plans with the MdM-F team to adjust MdM-F activities and medical resources to the needs.
  4. Take part in advocacy and communication activities under the supervision of his/her supervisor.
  5. Perform other additional duties on request of the Medical Manager, Medical Coordinator, and Field Coordinator


  1. Bachelor’s degree in medicine and medico-surgical emergency diploma with experience in emergency
  2. Previous experience at the PHC level
  3. Previous experience in Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan design and implementation will be an asset.
  4. At least 2 years of work experience with NGOs
  5. Capacity to organize and conduct training.
  6. Good supervision & reporting skills
  7. Good communication skills.
  8. Good command of English and Arabic languages (both written and spoken)
  9. Computer skills (word, excel, PowerPoint, statistics software…)
  10. Experience in health information management and/or health data collection and analysis will be an asset.

How to Apply:

Qualified applicants are invited to send their resume or CV and a one-page cover letter in English, by email to:
Please reference the job title as MDM/NAB/EMDR/2023 in the subject line of your Email. MDM won’t select any incomplete submitted application (CV, Cover letter and Reference in the mail subject).
Deadline for receiving the application is February 21st 2023
MdM recruits qualified individuals without distinction ethnic background or Gender.
Please note that MdM will contact only pre-selected candidates and by email, the position will be filled as soon as a suitable candidate is identified.
We thank all candidates for their interest to MdM.
