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Transparency, Accountability, and Anti- Corruption Researcher - MSI " Ramallah "

الصفحة الرئيسية

Transparency, Accountability, and Anti- Corruption Researcher - MSI " Ramallah "


Management Systems International (MSI), a Tetra Tech Company, is a Washington, D.C. metro area management consultancy with a 40-year history of delivering results for our clients. Our expertise is in the fields of monitoring and evaluation; democracy and governance; peace and stability; rule of law and accountability; education; gender and inclusion; strategic communications; and leadership and organizational development. MSI has implemented projects in 90 countries around the world such as Colombia, Indonesia, Jordan, Kenya, Mexico, Nigeria, Pakistan, Syria and Ukraine, and works domestically. We support clients ranging from the U.S. Government (e.g., the U.S. Agency for International Development, U.S. Department of Defense, U.S. Departments of State and Labor, and the Millennium Challenge Corporation) to large bilateral and multilateral donors (e.g., the World Bank and the United Nations Development Program). We also work with national and local governments, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), think tanks, foundations and universities. For more information, please visit our website at www.msiworldwide.com.

Project Summary:

MSI implements USAID’s Middle East & North Africa Monitoring, Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Services (MENA MELS) Activity, which supports the design and implementation of rigorous research, assessments, evaluations and learning activities for USAID’s Middle East Bureau and its operating units (OU) in 10 countries in the Middle East and North Africa, including the West Bank and Gaza. The USAID/ West Bank and Gaza (WBG) Mission’s Democracy, Rights and Governance team commissioned a rapid assessment of the democracy, rights and governance sector in the West Bank. The rapid assessment is being carried out in two phases; phase one (completed) studied local governance institutions and ecosystems in the West Bank. Phase two will examine the broader DRG sector at the national level, including the key actors, institutions, organizations and government and donor funded initiatives that advance good governance at the national level. The purpose is to identify entry points for USAID programming and provide USAID/WBG with actionable and specific programmatic recommendations in the following areas: governance transparency, accountability and anti-corruption, legal education, media in the West Bank and Gaza, and inclusion of women, youth, and people with disabilities (PWD) in government and semi-government institutions, including access to government and public services, and initiatives by civil society and non-governmental organizations working in the governance space. The period of performance is on/about February 24, 2023 – April 20, 2023, with up to 45 days of LOE.

**Please note: All Palestinian citizens are eligible for this position.**

Position Summary:

The Transparency, Accountability, and Anti-Corruption Researcher will oversee the research and evaluation of the main national-level transparency and accountability structures in the West Bank, under the direct supervision of the Team Lead, and in close collaboration with the other members of the research team. Research and analysis will include oversight boards, complaint mechanisms, ombudsmen, inspectors general, open government initiatives, e-governance initiatives, and participatory budgeting initiatives. Through a desk review and key informant interviews, this position will examine key functions and activities, technical capacity and funding support, linkages with the Palestinian Authority and challenges and opportunities for carrying out their mission. The role will also examine the national-level governance anti-corruption initiatives, organizations, partnerships, and coalitions currently underway in the West Bank, including the risks associated with these efforts. This role will be located in West Bank.


  1. Participate in a kick-off planning workshop to review the approved rapid assessment work plan, including research approach and methods, roles and responsibilities of team members, activity timeline and deliverables, communication protocols, and draft data collections tools.
  2. Identify key national-level actors, government, semi-government, and non-governmental institutions and organizations for their respective focus area, along with key informants and further refine the data collection tools for their focus area. 
  3. Conduct desk research as well as organizing and conducting key informant interviews.
  4. Schedule and conduct primary research with agreed informants, which includes uploading typed notes to be uploaded on a shared folder within 48 hours of interviews being completed. 
  5. Conduct weekly check-ins for coordination and iterative evaluation with team members.
  6. Identify potential entry points and partners for USAID programming to strengthen accountability and transparency mechanisms, as well as stakeholders USAID may partner with to promote and scale up anti-corruption initiatives.
  7. Submit an internal report in English with summary findings and recommendations to inform development of the rapid assessment draft report at the conclusion of data collection and examination.
  8. Participate in synthesis workshop.
  9. Limit inputs into the presentation and summary report.

Qualifications :

  1. Master’s degree in social science, public policy and/or research, or related subjects required.
  2. Minimum eight years of relevant experience, including in the West Bank, required.
  3. Experience and knowledge of the West Bank national-level governance sector and specific knowledge of governance transparency, accountability, and anti-corruption legal frameworks, policies, and mechanisms, institutions, and initiatives, including government and donor-funded efforts required.
  4. Experience researching, including conducting literature review/desk study and in-person semi structured interviews required.
  5. Experience with USAID WBG Mission is highly preferred.
  6. Established existing networks with senior officials and technical staff of relevant governance transparency, accountability, and anti-corruption institutions, as well as other experts in the field among academics and civil society preferred.
  7. Strong communication, presentation, and writing skills required.
  8. Fluency in written and spoken English and Arabic is required.

How to Apply:

Interested and qualified candidates can apply online through Apply Now-button below
