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Accountant - Humanity & Inclusion Palestine

الصفحة الرئيسية


Accountant  - Humanity & Inclusion Palestine 

طريقة ترجمة الوظيفة من اللغة الانجليزية الى اللغة العربية

Accountant - part time (60% working time)

Handicap International (which runs projects under its operating name, Humanity & Inclusion - HI -), is an independent and impartial international aid organisation working in situations of poverty and exclusion, conflict and disaster. Working alongside persons with disabilities and other vulnerable groups, our action and testimony are focused on responding to their essential needs, improving their living conditions and promoting respect for their dignity and their fundamental rights. Handicap International is a not-for-profit organisation with no religious or political affiliation. It operates as a federation made up of a network of associations.


Under the hierarchical responsibility of the Finance Manager of Palestine Mission, and in collaboration with the other departments of the mission, the accountant is responsible to manage inflow and out flow of cash in the mission, ensures the quality of the accountancy documents. She/ he implements the responsibilities in compliance with HI procedures


 Responsibility 1: To verify the compliance of accounting documents with HI procedures prior to proceeding with payment in Gaza office.

 Receiving and checking the justification documents for the accountancy, including validity and correctness of calculation of the invoices

  1. Making sure the financial commitment procedure is respected while checking that the expenses authorizations or the reconciliation visa has been properly signed by the person in charge
  2. If in conformity with HI procedures, validating and stamping the accounting documents for the payment requests or advance request or sign the receipt for inflows and if not in conformity, refusing the documents and explains the reasons to the requester.
  3. Translating the documents when not done initially
  4. Registering financial transactions in NAV on daily basis with high accuracy in terms of GAP codes, financial codes and description for Gaza office and in coordination with the national accountant and finance manager
  5. Providing documents for the yearly legal audit related to Gaza office .

Responsibility 2: To implement internal control roles designated to the position

  1. Ensuring the respect and implementation of HI financial standards in its area of work.
  2. Being vigilant to identify internal control risk and report to line manager if such case occurs
  3. Receive the authorizations for payments from designated budget manager
  4. Applying the service advance rules and updating the cash advances

 Responsibility 3: Treasury Management

 3.1: To carry out payments by cash and bank on timely basis as required

  1. Processing the payments and reception of cash/transfers during appropriate hours and in the field if needed
  2. Preparing the cheques for payments and ensuring they are dully signed by the authorized persons.
  3. Preparing the payments by e-banking and ensuring authorization by authorized persons.
  4. Registers the entries in the logbook for each operation and controlling the coherence between the log book and HI procedures
  5. Ensuring there is no cash shortage by anticipating cash withdrawal, informing the line manager in order to prepare the withdrawal request.
  6. Performing weekly and monthly cash counts with the accounting officer and with other designated persons
  7. Reconciling Gaza bank sub account  transaction with bank statement on monthly basis

3.2 To archive accounting documents following HI standard

  1. Maintaining proper archiving of hard copies for treasury and accountancy documents
  2. Printing of accounting vouchers for scanning
  3. Scanning the invoices and supporting documents and uploading in scan-it

3.3 To implement security procedures for cash management

  1. As soon as possible informing the line manager in case of incident or potential incident in his/her field of expertise
  2. Following security instructions in performing her/ his duty
  3. Being vigilant to ensuring the security of the cash at all times.
  4. Maintaining proper custody for cash and other documents saved in the safe

Responsibility 4: Carry out checking of partners accounting documents for Gaza Office

  1. Checking eligibility of partners invoices in compliance with HI accountancy rules and procedures, in addition
  2. Recording expenses of the partners in Navision and settle the partners accounts
  3. Assisting in partner capacity development in accountancy related areas with supervision and provide feedback to the partners


Assist his/her line manager in any other tasks that may not be included in this job description and for entries in the system during the absence of the national accountant upon request.

Job profile requirements:

  1. University graduate in accounting
  2. 2 years of experience in a similar setting
  3. Proven accounting experience
  4. Have good knowledge and understanding of the English language
  5. Rigorous and flexible
  6. Capacity to work under pressure and deadlines
  7. Have a sense of diplomacy and negotiation

How to Apply:


HI workers must adhere to the values and principles outlined in HI Code of conduct.  In accordance with these values, HI operates and enforces policies on Beneficiary Protection from Exploitation and Abuse, Child Safeguarding, Anti-fraud, bribery, and corruption.

Initial contract will be for a period up to 12 months.

Handicap International is an equal opportunity employer and

Particularly welcomes applications from persons with disabilities

Interested candidates should send their resume with motivation letter to reach on or before April 9, 2023 to recruitment@palestine.hi.org indicating your full name and the job title (Accountant - Gaza) in the subject line of your e-mail application. Incomplete applications or applications received after the deadline will be disregarded.

Qualified candidates are encouraged to apply and those shortlisted will be contacted.

