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HR Senior Manager - Terre des hommes - Switzerland " Jerusalem "

الصفحة الرئيسية

HR Senior Manager - Terre des hommes - Switzerland " Jerusalem "

Terre des hommes (Tdh) Lausanne has been working in Palestine since 1973, in close collaboration with recognized local partners and in partnership with several international donors. Since the end of 2019, the Palestine and Jordan delegations have been gathered under one common entity, a Multi-Country Delegation (MCD) with the main coordination office located in Amman (Jordan). In Palestine there is an office in Jerusalem and an office in Gaza with a total of around 20 staff and and 14 partners. The main donors in Palestine are SDC, ECHO, UNOCHA and UNICEF.

The FAHR Senior Manager  is a member of the MCD SMT and coordination management team. The day-to-day portfolio of the FAHR Senior Manager includes technical supervision of the Finance, HR & Admin Specialist (Gaza) and Finance & HR Officer (Jerusalem); and provision of technical support to the MCD Country Representative, Programs Coordinator and Logistics Coordinator to ensure the provision of quality services in accordance with Tdh standards and donor guidelines, delivered in a timely manner and within budget limitations. The FAHR Senior Manager liaises closely with the governments, partners, and donors in Palestine and is responsible to ensure Tdh’s compliance with legal and administrative requirements in country.

This postion reports to  MCD Country Representative and works in close collaboration with the MCD Program Coordinator, MCD Logistic&Security Coordinator, HQ Finance Controller and HR Focal Point for MENA, JLM Head of Office and Gaza Head of Office, Finance Manager Jordan, HR Manager Jordan.

Specific Responsibilities:

Management & Coordination
  1. Provide technical guidance and support in harmonizing processes and practices to HR/Admin and Finance staff in Palestine
  2. Ensure effective teamwork through establishment of coordination and collaboration mechanisms within the Palestine FAHR department – especially a clear channel of information sharing and communication, a proper workflow based on a balanced delegation of task between the team members- developing a common, coherent and exhaustive approach within Palestine;
  3. Ensure the correct flow of information and mechanisms of coordination between FAHR and the other departments and Heads of Office for FAHR related planning, implementation, and monitoring;
  4. Under the lead of the MCD Representative and in collaboration with other MCD Coordinators, participate as an active member in regular internal coordination meetings in which s/he presents detailed review of current achievements, challenges faced, and options considered for her/his department;
  5. Ensure a tight follow up of all budgets including donors’ contracts and contributes to necessary actions in case of over/under expenditure and organize regular follow-up meeting with Finance Manager in Jordan when it comes to multi-country contract
  6. Ensure and document that Tdh procedures are applied at all times/levels and monitored in complete transparency
  7. Provide technical recommendations, advise HQ and request for the validation of internal procedures and processes
  8. Identify any gaps in FAHR understanding and processes that require immediate orientation or trainings to develop and strengthen the technical knowledge and skills of Tdh staff
  9. Ensure that Finance/admin and HR Visions and Approaches for Palestine are reflected in MCD annual Plan of Action
Risk management and compliance
  1. In collaboration with the Coordinators, ensure administrative, financial and HR procedures are in compliance with donor regulations and local laws and government regulations.
  2. Ensures that all formalities required by governments are properly prepared and punctually presented.
  3. Ensure timely roll-out and implementation of Tdh procedures and policies at national level.
  4. Make recommendations and advise on Tdh policies and SOPs currently in place, and ensure existing policies and procedures are in compliance with global standards.
  5. In close collaboration with HQ Financial Controller and HR focal points for MENA, with consideration of the specific context of Tdh in Palestine, draft new/revise policies and procedural documents as required; work closely with coordinators to ensure that proposed policies have been reviewed at field level and have incorporated feedback and recommendations
  6. Conduct a regular cycle of spot checks and internal audit/self-evaluation process to ensure compliance and propose action plans accordingly.
  7. Ensure the best implementation of Tdh Risk Management Policies in Palestine such as anti-Fraud/Corruption Policy, Whistle Blowing Policy, cash policy amongst others
Finance/Admin and HR services
  1. Be a focal point for the Lawyers and the Tax Advisors, together with the Country Representative, and oversee the payment of the local taxes and contributions by the proper deadline and ensuring tax clearances are obtained;
  2. Ensure that all registrations and policies are compliant to Israel and Palestine law;
  3. Review and update as needed the Country Profile Form.
  4. Implementation of the Finance Management Tool Cycle (BFU, forecasts, allocation table, situation analysis and coordination with other departments and head of offices) for Palestine;
  5. Support quarterly budget updating process of Palestine and within the overall framework of the MCD and provide advice to the MCD Country Representative and the SMT on defining the best allocation of the resources internal and external funds, through exhaustive and detailed budget and financial risks analysis and benefits;
  6. Supervise the proper bank accounts management by the finance team, and where situation requests, manages the bank accounts and liaise with the bank managers for any issues;
  7. On a monthly basis analyze the cash forecast and cash need received from Finance and HR Officer (Jerusalem) and Finance, Admin and HR Specialist (Gaza) and share them with MCD Country Representative and then with HQ Financial Controller
  8. Ensure proper supervision of cash boxes’ management by the Palestine Finance teams, in compliance with Tdh requirements and prepare SoPs for Palestine, harmonized with those already existing in the MCD/Jordan.
  9. Is in charge of the quality of Palestine accountancy and financing information.
  10. On a monthly basis, review the accounting closing done by the Finance teams, including reconciliation forms for cash boxes and bank accounts; compile the documents and present it to the MCD Country Representative for signature before sharing it with the HQ Financial Controller and Accountant.
  11. Ensure staff awareness and adherence to the country Staff Regulations;
  12. Monthly supervise and validate the payroll process and get the approval of the MCD Country Representative for the payment of salaries to employees and volunteers’ workers;
  13. Keep updated about local Labor Laws, taxes and contributions in order to propose and discuss with the MCD Country Representative any required changes in the Palestine HR Manual and National Staff Regulations;
  14. Ensure a proper archiving system of HR files and an HR database is in place and updated regularly;
  15. Ensure a proper HR Cycle and reporting is in place and harmonized for both offices;
  16. Coordinate/collaborate for certain tasks with the HR Manager Jordan to ensure harmonization or efficiency of efforts across the MCD (eg areas of convergence in Palestine and Jordan capacity building plans, implementation of MCD staff perception surveys, MCD staff retreats, occasional backstopping for Jordan recruitment panels, etc)
  17. Lead on the auditing processes by:
  18. Supervising the preparation and organization of the documents for all financial/annual audits
  19. Ensuring auditing of accounts at the end of the year and take the lead on the preparation of project audits by assisting the auditors with any requests
  20. sharing with HQ Financial Controller to get validation any potential reply to the management letter
Staff Performance Management, Learning & Development
  1. Supervise and build the capacity of team members in relevant technical and management competencies.
  2. Coach, train, supervise and mentor direct-report staff, including communicating clear expectations, setting annual performance objectives, providing regular and timely positive and constructive performance feedback.
  3. Maintain open and professional relations with team members, promoting a strong team spirit and providing oversight and guidance to enable staff to successfully perform in their positions.
  4. Hold meetings with each direct report on a weekly basis.
  1. Ensure donors, HQ, MCD head office deadlines for any financial and HR matters are met;
  2. In collaboration with other Coordinators, especially Program Coordinator, contribute to donors’ reports on the parts related to Finance/Admin and HR Services;
  3. Check and validate the accuracy, quality, and timely delivery of financial reports by her/his team;
  4. Under the supervision of MCD Representative and in close collaboration with Program and Logistics Coordinators, ensure the effective preparation of Palestine budgets by the finance team and when it is required take active part in drafting him/herself the project budgets;
  5. Help actively draw up and maintain updated the fundraising plan in line with the organization's financial strategy;
  6. On a monthly basis (10th of the month) provide Palestine FAHR report to the MCD Representative
This job description may be amended in line with the activities or evolution of the Mission

Requirments for the Position:

  1. Education: University (preferably Masters’ level) degree in relevant field.
  2. Language: Excellent oral and writing skills in English and Arabic.
Previous experience:
  1. Experience with an INGO is mandatory.
  2. At least 5 years of experience in a similar position (Finance Manager/Coordinator).
  3. Experience in Admin and HR is a strong asset.
  4. Proven experience in roles requiring coordination and collaboration across different departments and offices.
  5. Previous experience working across operations in Gaza and West Bank, including travel into Gaza.
Knowledge and skills:
  1. Budget management: preparation with team, capacity to support but also to challenge, budget and financial risks analysis, budget follow up and analysis, able to propose corrective measures, etc.
  2. Strong communication and inter-personal skills.
  3. Experience in dealing with a diversity of institutional donors (budget designing, financial reporting, audit), knowledge of the main donors' rules.
  4. Good knowledge of accounting principles.
  5. Very good command of Excel.
  6. Good command of SAGA.
  7. Able to travel to Gaza and West Bank on a very regular basis.
  1. Adopts a collaborative attitude both inside and outside the department.
  2. Shows flexibility, availability and adaptability.
  3. Supports and advises colleagues.
  4. Manages time and priorities, meets deadlines and is punctual.
  5. Represents and explains the mission and projects of TdH.
Tdh Global Code of Conduct and Risk Management Policies:

Fully complies with Tdh’s Global Code of Conduct and systematically reports any breach to the Code through the whistleblowing procedure: raises awareness within the Foundation on abuse and violence and the rights deriving therefrom, respecting the rights and dignity of children, members of the communities and our own Staff

Commits to respecting Risk Management Policies including: Safeguarding Policies (Child Safeguarding Policy, Policy on the Protection against Sexual Exploitation and the Directive on Staff Misconduct at the Workplace), Safety and Security Policy and Anti-Fraud/Corruption and Prevention of the Financing of Criminal Activities Policies

Commits to reducing the risk of abuse and harm by developing a culture of open and informed leadership within the organization and in our work with children and the communities in which we intervene in.

How to Apply :

For interested candidates, please send your updated resumes with a cover letter to the email the following e-mail address:
Deadline for applications is March 18, 2023 at 11:59 pm.

Indicate Name/ FAHR Senior Manager in the subject of the email.
  1. Only short/listed candidates will be contacted. If you are not shortlisted, your file will be destroyed by us, ac-cording to the rules on data protection.
  2. Tdh provides equal working conditions for men and women. Furthermore, for candidates with equivalent qualifications and for positions with responsibilities, applications from women are strongly encouraged those as well from people with diverse backgrounds.
  3. The recruitment and selection procedures of Tdh reflect our commitment for child security and protection.