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Midwife - MSF-Spain Doctors Without Borders " Hebron "

الصفحة الرئيسية

 Midwife - MSF-Spain Doctors Without Borders " Hebron " 

Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF – Doctors Without Borders) is an international humanitarian aid organization that provides assistance in more than 60 countries to populations in distress, to victims of natural or manmade disasters and to victims of armed conflicts, without discrimination and irrespective of religion, creed or political affiliation. To develop this work from the Hebron district, we are recruiting a:


  1. Holistic approach of the users/patients considering, in a comprehensive manner, physical, mental, emotional and social aspects.
  2. Working in an interdisciplinary way with doctors, nurses, social worker, health promoters, mental health team and pharmacist.
  3. Maintaining always the confidentiality of patients, creating safe spaces for consultation and safeguard, in the same way, for medical records.
  4. Guaranteeing a sustainable use of medications and medical equipment.
  5. Maintaining infection prevention and control standard measures in all the practices.
  6. Fulfilling the established deadlines for the delivery and processing of data, reports, etc.
  7. Developing skills, abilities and criteria that allow discerning between low / high risk users (including neonates), in order to make the appropriate referrals to the corresponding professionals / facilities.
  8. Being responsible for providing complete packages of services related to women's sexual and reproductive health, which includes: family planning (counseling and delivery of available contraceptive methods), prenatal control, postpartum control, education on early detection / prevention of cervical and breast cancer, screening for sexually transmitted infections (early diagnosis and treatment); to be addressed according to MSF clinical practice guidelines.
  9. Encouraging and supporting the breastfeeding: education, counseling and treatment of breast-related complications (cracked nipples, breast engorgement, lymphangitis, mastitis, abscesses); as well as informing mothers / families about the importance of vaccination and regular medical follow-ups.
  10. Sexual Violence component: being part of the interdisciplinary focus group for the comprehensive care of victims of sexual violence. Knowing the current protocols, guaranteeing the provision of services without delays, in a confidential way. Responsible for the PEP kit, rapid tests, etc., ensuring that they are available and reporting when that is not feasible.


  1. Results and Quality Orientation
  2. Teamwork and Cooperation
  3. Behavioural Flexibility
  4. to MSF Principles
  5. Stress Management



Essential midwifery qualification or specialization.  Desired Bachelor in Midwifery


Essential working experience of at least two years in midwifery activities related jobs. 


Mission Language essential: English and Arabic advanced level

How to Apply:

Interested candidates should submit their application letter, CV with references´ details to:

Médecins Sans Frontières

Human Resources Departement _Hebron Project
With the reference: Daily Midwife MSF vacancy. Please note that only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

Deadline: Closing application date is March 27th , 2023.   