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Protection Consortium Project Manager - MdM-F

الصفحة الرئيسية

 Médecins du Monde (MDM)

Protection Consortium Project Manager - MdM-F


  1. Protection Consortium Project Manager, is in charge of the overall management of the Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Services (MHPSS consortium project activities funded by ECHO, CDCs,  and others through the Gaza  Protection Consortium (GPC). The Consortium Manager is therefore in charge of MdM France (MdM-F) MHPSS activities and team to ensure a quality implementation of the MHPSS project in accordance (MdM-F) strategy. This includes the proper operational coordination, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of the MHPSS project with local partners and with the GPC Partners.
  2. Ensure proper grant management among MdM-F and local partners and quality and timely reporting to GPC.
  3. Ensure administrative, financial, and contractual aspects while complying with the rules of the various stakeholders.
  4. Ensure the distribution and circulation of information between the stakeholders.


  1. An advanced degree in Project Management, or in any other relevant field
  2. Valuable experience in team and project management (at least 3 years) with International Organizations.
  3. Experience in project management of projects implemented by several actors (consortiums)
  4. Experience of provision of Humanitarian Aid for people affected by conflicts (at least 2 years)
  5. Experience related to needs assessment.
  6. Experience related to MEAL.
  7. Experience related to proposal writing, grant management and reporting.


Qualified applicants are invited to send their resume or CV and a one-page cover letter in English, by email to:


Please reference the job title as MDM/ Consortium Manager /GZA/2023 in the subject line of your Email.

MdM commits to respect the “Do no harm” humanitarian principle and ensure child safety is paramount in all its activities. MdM implements a Child Abuse Policy (CAP) at headquarters and in every mission. We do everything possible to ensure that only those who are suitable to work with vulnerable people, with children, join our organization.

Deadline for receiving the application on Thursday 01st of June 2023, at 4 pm

MdM recruits qualified individuals without distinction ethnic background or Gender.

Please note that MdM will contact only pre-selected candidates and by email, the position will be filled as soon as a suitable candidate is identified.

We thank all candidates for their interest to MdM.

Emails without the Post Title & Ref # will be neglected.
