Gaza Protection Consortium MEAL Manager - Mercy Corps

الصفحة الرئيسية

Gaza Protection Consortium MEAL Manager - Mercy Corps

  • Position Title         :   Gaza Protection Consortium MEAL Manager
  • Position Type         :   Full Time , Regular Contract
  • Location                :   Gaza Office
  • Duration               : Seven Months, with the possibility of extension upon  securing additional funds for GPC
  • Monthly Salary      :   Gross 11,524 NIS

About Gaza Protection Consortium

The Gaza Protection Consortium (GPC) is an integrated humanitarian program that is run by a coalition of four organizations: Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) – lead organization, Mercy Corps, Humanity and Inclusion (HI), and Médecins du Monde-France (MdM-F). The GPC aims to provide aid to the most vulnerable populations affected by extreme poverty, humanitarian crisis, food insecurity, and violations of basic rights. The program provides integrated cash assistance, protection, and health services, as well as preparedness activities to the people of the Gaza Strip.

The Position

The GPC MEAL Manager will work under the guidance of the Consortium Manager to support the quality development and management of the MEAL system for the Consortium as a whole, working closely with partners and building capacity across the Consortium. This includes coordinating existing MEAL processes, developing new tools and systems, working with partners to extract and analyze data, and contributing to the GPC’s strategic thinking. The GPC MEAL Manager is hosted by Mercy Corps and serves all four Consortium partners in an equal manner. The Consortium MEAL Manager is a member of the Consortium Secretariat, along with the Consortium Manager and Consortium Partnership Technical Officer (both hosted by NRC). The MEAL Manager is also part of the Consortium Management Unit (CMU) and leads the MEAL Technical Working Group (TWG).

Essential Responsibilities

  • Chair and coordinate the MEAL TWG of the Consortium, including MEAL colleagues from all partners.
  1. Work with the MEAL TWG, including MEAL focal points from each partner, to develop and implement Consortium MEAL tools and processes.
  2. Ensure coordination between the MEAL TWG, Consortium Manager, and the other TWGs.
  3. Represent the work of the MEAL TWG at CMU meetings.
  • Coordinate key existing MEAL processes and tools through the MEAL TWG, including joint baseline assessments and learning exercises.
  1. Ensure that joint MEAL processes, particularly the baseline and learning exercises, are inclusive of all GPC partners and that everyone is kept informed.
  2. Support the partners’ MEL teams in drafting, proofreading, and reviewing the baselines, Post Distribution Monitoring (PDM), and end-lines.
  3. Own the overall Consortium indicator tracking table and ensure monthly updates.
  4. Advise on appropriate data collection technologies, including database storage and management, and contribute to its development and improvement.
  • Lead the development and implementation of new joint MEAL processes and tools, working closely with the MEAL TWG and Consortium Manager.
  1. Work with the MEAL TWG to establish a harmonized accountability system and shared database at the Consortium level.
  2. Develop new tools and learning to demonstrate the impact of the GPC’s “Cash Plus” approach.
  3. Work to establish the systems and processes needed for effective information sharing on results and learning with the CMU, Consortium Steering Committee (SC), and other TWGs.
  • Work with each key group in the Consortium (CMU, SC, TWGs) to identify, extract and formalize the information they need from the available data, particularly for communications, donor reporting, and fundraising.
  1. Test and deploy analyses of data to reinforce the programming and strategic objectives of the Consortium.
  2. Engage regularly with each group to identify their needs in terms of data and analysis.
  3. Analyze the consolidated consortium outputs (all components) to respond to reporting needs and specific requests from partners.
  • Contribute to Consortium strategic thinking by substantiating relevant information in close collaboration with the Consortium Manager.
  1. Support the CMU and SC in managing and visualizing data that can help improve the Consortium practices and its reporting to donors and other stakeholders.
  2. Support the Consortium to produce analytical reports for advocacy and representation purposes.
  3. Support the Consortium in developing and formatting needed MEAL inputs for fundraising.
  • Engaging with external stakeholders generating data such as OCHA, Clusters, Cash Working Group (CWG), etc.
  1. Monitor data generated by other organizations and identify what can be useful for the Consortium.
  2. In collaboration with the Consortium Manager, liaise with other stakeholders to develop synergies for data collection and analysis.
  • Other Essential Duties.
  1. Ensure that effective systems are in place for the adequate management of human resources, financial and operational field support functions.
  2. Review and support country team adherence to Mercy Corps and donor policies and procedures.
  3. Capture and disseminate best practices on MEAL and Program systems across Mercy Corps and other GPC teams to ensure the highest quality and standards.
  4. Support Mercy Corps initiatives for human resources, including safeguarding and diversity, and talent development.
  5. Collaborate with Mercy Corps HR to access high-quality learning opportunities, with a special emphasis on national team member development.
  6. Perform other duties as assigned by the Consortium Manager and Mercy Corps.

Minimum Qualification & Transferable Skills

  1. Degree in Social and Human Sciences or Statistics.
  2. Previous experience in data management and data analysis.
  3. Strong ability to design MEAL tools, surveys, systems, and evaluations.
  4. Minimum 5 years of relevant experience working with partners.
  5. Fluency in English and Arabic, both written and verbal
  6. Experience working with ECHO, FCDO, GAC, CDCS, and other key donors’ rules and regulations.
  7. Very good communication, negotiation, and presentation skills.
  8. Excellent organization, time management, and prioritization skills.
  9. Experience of creating and using MEAL tools.
  10. Experience of working within Consortium structures is desirable.

 How to Apply:

Qualified persons with disability are highly encouraged to apply. 

Interested candidates are encouraged to submit an application online HERE no later than Saturday , 17 June 2023

Only short-listed candidates will be contacted. 

Please apply separate application for each position you are interested in.
