Perception Survey Consultant

الصفحة الرئيسية

Perception Survey Consultant

ABOUT IREX                                           

IREX is a global development and education organization. We strive for a more just, prosperous, and inclusive world—where individuals reach their full potential, governments serve their people, and communities thrive. With a projected annual portfolio of more than $100 million and more than 600 staff worldwide, we work with partners in more than 100 countries in four areas essential to progress: cultivating leaders, empowering youth, strengthening institutions, and increasing access to quality education and information. 


IREX is implementing a USAID program “Forsah TVET” in the West Bank, Jerusalem, and Gaza. Forsah TVET supports technical and vocational education and training (TVET) institutions to better prepare Palestinian graduates for the labor market and to productively engage in local and regional economies.  

Through partnership with non-governmental Palestinian TVET institutions, Forsah TVET will collaboratively develop new or upgraded training programs. These programs will support Palestinian career paths and link students to employment opportunities, or help them start their own businesses, in increasingly in-demand sectors. Through partnerships, Forsah TVET supports TVET institutions’ responsiveness to the needs of the private sector and the effects of climate change; creates new partnerships between the TVET institutions and the private sector; and increases the number of skilled graduates. In addition, Forsah TVET will support enhanced career development services and mentorships for students. Forsah TVET activities will work with youth to improve awareness of TVET programs and increase student enrollment in partner institutions.  

To focus Forsah TVET activities on developing new or enhanced training programs in alignment with market needs, Forsah TVET has conducted a rapid sector prioritization exercise and identified areas of strong economic activity and growth in alignment with TVET opportunities. In the next step, Forsah TVET is partnering with TVET institutions, who will in turn work collaboratively with the private sector and youth through Shared Value Meetings (2-day joint meetings including the TVET institution, relevant private sector experts, and youth representatives) to identify key occupational profiles in the sectors of their interest and select training programs to meet those needs. All sectors of interest will fall under the earlier identified sectors in the rapid sector prioritization exercise. This year, Forsah TVET is expected to partner with six TVET institutions and identify one TVET training program per partner TVET institution to co-design through Forsah TVET. The six partner TVETs and their sector of interest are expected to be identified by early July.  


IREX is seeking a consultant to conduct and analyze a perception survey to better understand the stigma associated with TVET in which will be used as a base-line for the TVET awareness campaign, understand the most and least appealing aspects of TVET and the types of messages, evidence, or role models might alter the opinions of TVET institutions. The consultant will review a pre-designed perception survey to ensure the reflection of the objectives, learning questions, work with TVET institutions to establish metrics and digital outreach channels for the survey, conduct the survey and analyze the results. The consultant will work with IREX Senior Awareness Campaign Officer and GESI Officer to carry out the survey.


Building on the identified economic activity sectors through the rapid sector prioritization exercise, that will act as a base for the program, the consultant is expected to: 

  1. Establish metrics and data to measure perceptions, reach and impact of the campaign.
  2. In collaboration with TVET institutions and partners, explore the best digital channels to reach target groups.  
  3. Review the pre-prepared survey, design and test survey instrument (software).
  4. Support TVET institutions in analyzing survey results to make data-informed decisions about their promotion and enrollment campaign strategies.
  5. Writing a report documenting the main findings of the perception survey. 


This assignment is envisioned to be conducted over a period of three months with an approximate start date of August 2023 until November 2023. The estimated needed level of effort shall be indicated by the applicant in their submitted proposal.  



Submission Date

 submit the metrics and data to measure perceptions, reach and impact of the survey.

 September 03, 2023, 

 Identify the best digital channels to reach target groups

September 10, 2023

Design survey instruments including:

  • a- Test the Survey
  • b-Analyze the testing phase.
  • c-Revise and enhance the survey based on the analysis phase

September 17, 2023

Conduct TVET perception survey

October 20 2023

Analyze survey results in collaboration with TVET institutions to make data-informed decisions about their promotion and enrollment campaign strategies, including:

November 20 2023

Final Report (in English) highlighting the analysis of the survey results and recommendations for ways forward.

December 17, 2023


The Forsah TVET will monitor the consultant’s work progress and will assess implementation of the assignment and submission/completion of all deliverables. The consultant will provide periodic verbal and written progress reports and recommendations.


The consult is expected to have the following key qualifications and experience:  

A master’s degree (or equivalent) in social and human sciences, education, educational economy, engineering, or any related fields (as a requirement).  

At least 7 years of experience in the TVET sector with at least 5 years in working with TVET institutions and conducting different types of surveys including perception surveys.  

Previous experience with TVET stakeholders and iNGOs. 

Knowledge of the TVET context in West Bank, Gaza, and East-Jerusalem. 

Ability to communicate fluently in English and Arabic and write reports in English.  


Interested applicants must submit the following documents: 

  • Document 1: Technical Proposal (maximum of 5 pages) including a description of the approach, envisioned work plan toward the deliverables, and anticipated challenges.  
  • Document 2: CV  
  • Document 3: Relevant Past Experience (1 page) 
  • Document 4: Financial proposal including estimated Level of Effort, daily rate, and total amount. 


Evaluation Criteria

Percentage (100%)

Financial Proposal


Company/consultant’s profile and past performance


Technical proposal on how the anticipated work will be conducted


Please send the above in one email to [] by August 20th, 2023. The assignment title should be placed in the email subject. 

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for an interview.
