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مطلوب سائق - الاونروا مكتب غزة

الصفحة الرئيسية

مطلوب سائق - الاونروا مكتب غزة

  • Posting Title: Driver, Gaza Field Office, 05 وظيفة سائق بمكتب غزة الاقليمي, 05
  • Job Code Title: Driver
  • Department/Office: United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA)
  • Duty Station: GAZA
  • Posting Period: 10 September 2023 - 24 September 2023
  • Job Opening Number: 23-Transportation-UNRWA-217137-R-Gaza (R)
  • Staffing Exercise N/A

Duties and Responsibilities

  1. Drives any assigned Agency Vehicle, as directed and within the limitations of local/international traffic laws and regulations and the type of vehicle registration and driving license held by him/her; ensures the safety of the vehicle, the passengers, freight and other road users; loads/unloads the assigned vehicle, as needed, and assists in moving and securing equipment/luggage as required;
  2. Ensures that his/her driving license, passport, visas and other travel documents are always valid; reports to his/her supervisor any traffic violation that may have an impact on his/her permission to operate a vehicle including off-duty; ensures that vehicle documents are always valid as per the relevant technical instructions, including vehicle serial numbers, registration data and mileage and crossing borders permits;
  3. Oversees the maintenance of his/her assigned vehicle including daily basic check of oil, battery, brakes, water, tires and reports problems to supervisor; ensures the cleanliness and good general condition of the vehicle inside and outside.
  4. Adheres to the rules, regulations and procedures especially in case of accidents and accident reporting; should have detailed knowledge of police, emergency, road side service numbers and callout procedures.
  5. Ensures proper application of rules and procedures of the Agency’s diplomatic pouch operations including the appropriate custody and protection of confidentiality during transit across borders; ensures that passengers are in possession of valid travel documents (UNLP, visa) before commencing trips; assists passengers in boarding and disembarking.

Based on specific assignments, the incumbent is required to adhere to the following responsibilities:

  1. a. When driving a senior official (VIP), applies protocol issues related to flags, attendance at Government Ministries, Royal/Presidential Palaces, VIP/Senior Diplomatic protocols in use at border crossings and at Airports; acts as a member of the Close Protection Officers team assigned to high profile individuals/VIPs to ensure their safety and security and attends to the right stowage of items ensuring that there are no loose items in the assigned vehicle; provides first aid, if needed.
  2. b. When driving compactor/garbage collection vehicle, usually in congested and confined urban environments, maneuvers vehicles skillfully and safely to load/offload rubbish skips to the accumulated refuse at approved sites only; manages the compactor/garbage team crew and ensures their safety;
  3. c. When driving a freight vehicle, supervises loading and offloading operations to ensure safe stacking of goods and equipment for transportation; is responsible for the correct sheeting, stowing and securing of the load to minimize damage and theft in transit for reasons of environment (dust, heat/cold, water); is responsible for managing labor/logistics assigned teams ensuring their safety; attends to specificities of freight and safety measurements, such as goods like fuel, compressed gas and /or medical supplies;
  4. d. When driving a bus, takes the appropriate routes and plans, for long distances, the adequate stops at the appropriate facilities and manages the safety and welfare of passengers.
  5. Performs other duties as may be assigned by the supervisor.


  • Completion of Basic Education (third preparatory)


  1. Valid driving license for all types of vehicles is required.
  2. Basic knowledge of vehicles maintenance, inspection and fault reporting is required.
  3. At least five years’ experience of driving different types of vehicles is required
  4. Indicating identity number is required.


  • Ability to communicate in English and fluent in Arabic.


  • Duration of Contract: 3 years including 1 year probation period, with the possibility of further extension, subject to the availability of funds, satisfactory performance and continuing need.
  • • Basic Salary: Monthly basic salary from $834.30; and monthly dependency allowance up to $123.25.
  • • Leave: 36 days of annual leave for staff attending UNRWA duty stations with six-day working week. 30 days of annual leave for staff attending UNRWA duty stations with five-day working week.
  • • Pension: Provident Fund contribution (15.2% of basic salary paid by the Agency)
  • • Other conditions of service and benefits may apply.


Jobs Hunter


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  • Maher Muhammed Raad Karhout photo
    Maher Muhammed Raad Karhout13 سبتمبر 2023 في 2:32 م

    مرحباً بالجميع أنا ماهر محمد رعد كرحوت. بالاسم وأنا أعيش في دبي، الإمارات العربية المتحدة، من فضلك، أود أن أتحدث عن صلاح الله في حياتي بعد عدة أشهر من محاولتي الحصول على قرض عبر الإنترنت وتم خداعي بمبلغ 3500 دولار، وأصبحت يائسًا للغاية أثناء الحصول على قرض من مُقرض شرعي عبر الإنترنت، أخبرني أحد الأصدقاء أن هناك شركة قروض شرعية حيث حصل على قرضه بسرعة وسهولة دون أي ضغوط، لذلك قدمني إلى رجل يُدعى السيد ليندستروم روجر الذي يعمل في شركة القروض المؤسسات الائتمانية، لذلك تقدمت بطلب للحصول على قرض بقيمة (27,000.00 دولارًا أمريكيًا) بمعدل فائدة منخفض، لذلك تمت الموافقة على القرض وإيداعه في حسابي المصرفي، وهكذا تمكنت من الحصول على قرضي، وبالتالي تمكنت من سداد فواتيري. أنصح كل من يرغب في الحصول على قرض بسرعة وسهولة بالاتصال بهم عبر البريد الإلكتروني: Loancreditinstitutions00@yahoo.com أو whatsapp: +393512640785.
    أو 393509313766+. كذلك، فشكرًا لك وأنت تقرأ أعظم شهادة في قصة حياتي والشكر لله عز وجل على نعمه في حياتي. أنا ماهر محمد رعد كرحوت بالاسم.

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    • غير معرف23 سبتمبر 2023 في 9:08 ص

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