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Procurement Development Consultant - NECC

الصفحة الرئيسية

 مطلوب مدّربة لغة إنجليزية - جمعية اتحاد الكنائس

Procurement Development Consultant - NECC


Procurement Development Consultant

Organization and Context Overview:

Near East Council of churches Committee for Refugees Work (NECCCRW)-the Gaza Area Committee is part of the Department of Service to the Palestine Refugees (DSPR). The DSPR is a department of the Middle East Council of Churches. NECCCRW Gaza is an integral part of the Palestinian Society and culture and operates with support from the churches, ecumenical and secular organizations. NECCCRW Gaza Committee was founded in 1952 launching a humanitarian program to assist Palestinians who took refuge in the Gaza Strip following the establishment of Israel in 1948.

Its work has rested on respecting the humanity and dignity of those whom it helps and on adherence to clear transparency and accountability standards. NECC supports the Palestinian people through six key areas: Health (Maternal and Child Primary Health Care), Technical Vocational Education and training (Empowering Youth Economic Status), Educational Loans for university students, Psychosocial Support for children, mothers, and students to cope with the negative impact of Gaza Violence, Emergency Relief projects including cash Relief and Job Creation initiatives, Advocacy policies and activities shared with the community, and community Development program.

Consultancy Overview and Scope of Work:

NECC is seeking for a highly qualified Procurement Development Expert to undertake this task starting from 1st October 2023 to 31st December 2023.

The Procurement Development Expert will be responsible to develop the procurement procedures and to ensure that the procurement activities undertaken by the NECC procurement department are compliant with the robust procurement policies and procedures. The consultant will work in conjunction with the relevant NECC staff.

The consultant will liaise with, and obtain information and clarifications from all relevant departments such as Programs/Projects, Finance and Executive Director on all matters relating to procurement operations.

Scope of work Based on these terms, NECC announces a call for proposals from interested companies/individuals (“consultants”) to provide consultancy for the development of NECC procurement department. The consulting will initiate on the basis of analyzing existing NECC procurement system and will continue with meetings, discussions, and structured interviews with the concerned persons taking part in the consultation.

NECC will provide the Consultant with all relevant documentation, contacts for stakeholders and relevant information to provide insight into the current procurement operations. The Consultant will be accountable for the following deliverables:

Review and develop procurement system (10 working days):
  • Review and/or draft, procurement chapters/sections for a variety of project documents;
  • Support the preparation and review of all procurement related documents.
  • Carry out supervision work to ensure that projects procurement management systems are functioning appropriately.
  • Work with relevant team members on procurement and management of the consultants’ contracts.
  1. Capacity building of procurement staff (100 training hours):
  • Conduct on job training (100 training hours) for relevant NECC staff.


This assignment will be executed according to the following time schedule:

  1. Applying for the TORs between 19th and 26th September 2023 (12:00 a.m.).
  2. Screening and selection of consultant by 30th September 2023.
  3. Starting date of consultancy is 1st October 2023.
  4. End date of consultancy is according flow of work not exceeding 31 December 2023.

Consultant qualifications:

The Consultant should have at minimum a Degree in Management Studies, Organizational Development or a related field, with:

  1. Hold at least a Master’s degree or equivalent in Public/Business Administration, Procurement, Economics or related fields.
  2. At least 7 years demonstrated knowledge and experience in conducting and facilitating organizational development including procurement procedures/operations, for NGOs.
  3. Ability to conduct reviews, assessment, training, and whatsoever relevant tasks.
  4. Knowledge and experience in using participatory approaches and innovative techniques, with organizational leadership and good networking skills while working within teams.
  5. Knowledge in successful procurement systems within NGOs sector.
  6. Excellent analytical and report writing skills
  7. Fluent in English and Arabic as mother tongue.

How to apply:

Interested applicants are encouraged to submit a technical proposal to the terms of reference articulating their proposed understanding, methodology, capacity statement, timelines and CVs of the proposed experts and the financial offer, by close of business on 26th September 2023 (12 a.m.).  The technical and financial offers should be submitted to the email:  jobs@neccgaza.org in addition to Hard copies in closed envelop duly signed and stamped to the address:

Gaza, Rimal, Said Al'as street

Tel. No.:  08 2860146


Gaza Recruiters


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  • Unknown photo
    Unknown18 سبتمبر 2023 في 9:19 م

    أود أن أشكر مؤسسات القروض الائتمانية لإعطائي قرضًا بقيمة 43000 دولار. لقد تعرضت للخداع في عدة محاولات للحصول على قرض من قبل العديد من شركات القروض الوهمية حتى أقصد مؤسسات الائتمان. إذا كنت بحاجة إلى قرض حقيقي عاجل اليوم، تجنب التعرض للاحتيال، فاتصل بقرض مؤسسات الائتمان عبر البريد الإلكتروني: Loancreditinstitutions00@yahoo.com أو whatsapp: +393509313766. واتساب : +393512640785.

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