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أخصائي نفسي - اللجنة الدولية الأحمر في غزة

الصفحة الرئيسية

أخصائي نفسي - اللجنة الدولية الأحمر في غزة

 تعلن اللجنة الدولية عن حاجتها لموظف/ة أخصائي نفسي في غزة.

الموعد النهائي للتقدم هو الجمعة الموافق 12 نيسان/إبريل 2024.

Main Tasks:

In the ICRC identified facility, the MHPSS Field Officer, under the direct supervision of the ICRC MHPSS Delegate and Health Co:

  1. Implements defined MHPSS activities, in the framework of the ICRC MHPSS programs, following the emergency protocols, in collaboration with the relevant coordinators.
  2. implements the ICRC protocols to work with individuals, families and/or groups, and children for both programs.
  3. collaborates with local and international stakeholders, relevant MHPSS actors and other ICRC colleagues, when requested.
  4. respects and always observes ICRC regulations and security rules.
  5. understands and adheres to the seven Fundamental Principles of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement and always represents the ICRC in a professional manner.
  6. understands and adheres to the ICRC Code of Conduct.
  7. understands the roles of the components of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement.
  8. develops and maintains a pleasant and conducive working environment with colleagues and line managers.
  9. performs all duties with the highest level of confidentiality in the interest of the ICRC and the affected people.
  10. ensures regular data collection and reporting for the supervisors and other departments (minutes of meetings, MAD, technical reports etc.), weekly and upon request.
  11. applies the validated ICRC clinical tools to monitor the impact of the services provided.
  12. provide direct MHPSS consultations during the emergency phase, always respecting privacy and confidentiality of the patients.
  13. respects always the “Do no harm” principle and acts in the best interest of the beneficiaries.
  14.  organizes referral of beneficiaries and performs case follow-up (Case Management).
  15. participates in the identification of needs of target populations for MHPSS interventions.
  16. trains and supports staff from other organizations/partners/teams as per the programme strategy.
  17. maintains regular communication with the Mental Health & psychosocial delegate, and Health Coordinator, providing data and programme updates.
  18. engages in and contributes to the validation process of the MHPSS tools for proper cultural adaptation and translation into the local languages, as well as provide guidance to the counterparts for the proper understanding and correct use of those tools.
  19. takes active part in the development of the MHPSS work-plans, contributing with the information needed, analysis and discussions in the planning meetings; as well as eventually produces those planning documents.
  20. collaborates with other ICRC Departments/Units (e.g. PHC, PRP, COOP, PROT, etc.) in the ICRC Sub-delegation in Gaza, in order to ensure a coordinated and integrated approach to respond to beneficiaries needs.
  21. supports in all the logistics and administrative procedures related to the implementation of the MHPSS activities in the Gaza AoR (e.g. raising SR, organizing meetings, raising and settling WADs, etc.).
  22. plans, organizes and follows the distribution of items to the counterparts, required for the implementation of the MHPSS programs.
  23. respects and observes staff regulations and security rules at all times.
  24. may be asked to perform tasks not covered in this job description and to provide support to other departments when necessary.

Education and professional experience requirements:

  1. University degree in clinical psychology (minimum 3 years’ university study) or psychiatry (minimum 5 years’ university study).
  2. Fluent command of English as well as the main local language.
  3. License to practice in her/his own country. 

• Computer proficiency. 

  1. 3 to 5 years of overall professional experience with minimum 2 years’ experience in MHPSS programs.
  2. Clinical or psychosocial experience.
  3. Experience in managing teams is an asset.
  4. Humanitarian experience is an asset. 
  5. Red Cross/Red Crescent is an asset.

How to Apply

Interested candidates fulfilling the above criteria should send the following:

  • A detailed C.V. in English.
  • Copy of the highest academic degree obtained and relevant work certificates.

Please send your application by email to jer_recruitment_services@icrc.org, indicating in the subject line: " Psychologist 2 – Application – Your name".


Deadline to send your application: April,12,2024. 

In accordance with the Resolution No. 17, 2010 of the Gaza Ministry of Interior, applicants who have a running contract with a Ministry will not be selected.
أخصائي نفسي - اللجنة الدولية الأحمر في غزة
Gaza Jobber


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  • للمساعده photo
    للمساعده12 أبريل 2024 في 10:19 م

    انا محمد معين ابو صافي انا محتاج مساعدة انا من غزة ونازحي في رفح عايشين في خيمه نايلون ومحتاج مساعده منكم يا جماعه الخير ‎404606261 رقم الهويه
    رقم جوال 0595372461

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